Support our mission. Here is how you can.
As an independent, not-for-profit 501c3 organization, we are not part of the township, nor do we receive township funds. Your donation helps us preserving Montclair’s rich history, educate others about its importance, and share the stories of the people who made Montclair what it is today.
Our work depends on your generosity. Please donate today.
Donate right here! You can earmark your donation to go to “wherever it’s needed or most” or to a specific program, undertaking, or initiative. If you would like to earmark your donation, please note it under “Additional Information.”
Other ways to donate
Any amount, large or small, is welcome! Just mail to:
Montclair History Center
108 Orange Road
Montclair, NJ 07042
BENEFIT: Simple, easy, and no fees.
Just search “Montclair Historical Society” with the handle “@montclairhistorycenter” and you’ll find us! BENEFIT: A quick and easy way to donate and show your support!
If you do online banking, it may be set up with Zelle. BENEFIT: Your donation makes it to us faster than sending a traditional check.
It’s great when the stock market has a good year. You can now donate stock to the Montclair History Center. BENEFIT: you can claim a charitable deduction equal to the securities fair market value and you can avoid the capital gains tax you would pay if you sold the stock. Send us a note if you’d like to make a stock donation.