POSTPONED at the request of the presenter. This presentation will be given during our 2022-2023 History at Home season. Date to be announced!
George Marshall Plaskett, a 12-year-old orphan from the Caribbean, worked his way to the US to start a new life. He began working as a bell boy at night and attending school during the day. His strong desire for education resulted in his receiving Bachelor of Divinity degree at age 24. Rev. Dr. Plaskett was inspired to minister to mankind and became what many called him — “a pioneer in his work.“ He founded Trinity Episcopal Church in Montclair, NJ, and many other churches. Trinity, which closed in 2007 after 91 years, became a home for British subjects who immigrated from the Caribbean in addition to becoming a church home for many entrepreneurs, professionals, and musicians who broke racial barriers in various disciplines. This program will be presented by MHC Board Trustee Nesta Stephens, a former parishioner at Trinity Episcopal, and Dr. Godfrey Gregg, Verger at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church.
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